viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

Cambio de imagen y... also in english !!

Hola a todo@s!!! Hoy no traigo entrada con consejos ni productos ni rutas, simplemente he estado curioseando un poco en Blogger y he decidido darle un nuevo formato al blog, no sera el definitivo pero como yo para esto de la informática soy un poco negada lo iré cambiando a medida que me vaya enterando de como se hace =P, espeto que OS guste la nueva imagen!!! =)
También he visto que mucha gente que visita el blog es de la zona de Estados Unidos, por lo que voy a intentar subir las entradas en ingles también, que así por lo menos lo practico un poco, las dejare después de las fotos para que OS sea mas cómodo leer. Si tenéis ideas o sugerencias o alguna idea de como se diseña un blog OS lo agradecería enormemente!! Y si queréis que escriba sobre un tema concreto decirlo también! Que voy a parecer la hipocondriaca de los perros nada mas que buscando urgencias en los perrillos para contaros como arreglarlas!! XD
Por cierto, si OS suscribis al blog OS llegara un e-mail cada vez que suba un nuevo post (prometo que intentare subir post un poquito mas a menudo)

Abrazos y lametones

In english

Hello everybody!!, as you can ser The today's post is only to show you The new image of The blog, i'll try to change it as soon i'll know how to do it =P, so at The moment i'll change things little by little.

I realiced that so many of The people who visited muy blog were from e USA, so i'm going to try to write The post also un English ( i'm sorry for my basic english, i'll try to improve it, promise), it will be under The photos that i hang after every post, most of The accesorys that i mention are from The USA so you wouldn't hace any problemas to find them (and it will be cheaper toó because there you have more offer).
I guess that you haven't understand much of The previous post so i'm going to introduce myself, i'm a ver student (i hope i'll finish the carecer next January), and i love nature, bacpacking and hiking, so if you put everything together you have this blog =P. My mates on travel are muy boyfriend (he is guilty i began backpacking) and Baloo, he is a black labrador of 1 year old, he loves bacpacking, and water (you woluldn't take him out off a river or anything with enough water to put in his paws), he is very nervous (he isn't let me finishing The post, he wants to play with The new toy that muy father brought him yesterday....) so every walk is a funny time for him.
So i hope that if you want to tell any commentos or suggestions you do it in comments, right below, and if you like The blog suscribe!

Thanks you very much for reading  =P

Hugs and dog's kisses?? (I'll have to work on this)

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